Aleksey Fomkin <>
1. Introduction
Not long ago we have entered the era of single-page applications. Some people say that we no longer need a server. They say that JavaScript applications can connect to DBMS directly. Fat clients. We disagree with this. This project is an attempt to solve the problems of the modern fat web.
Korolev runs a single-page application on the server side, keeping in the browser only a bridge to receive commands and send events. The page loads instantly and works fast because it does a minimal amount of computation. It’s important that Korolev provides a unified environment for full stack development. Client and server are now combined into a single app without any REST protocol or something else in the middle.
Our project supports static page rendering so that search engines could index pages and users could view them immediately.
1.1. Principles
Thin client. Let’s be honest, modern JavaScript applications are too greedy. Every JavaScript developer thinks that his page is special. But the user has a different opinion. He opens dozens of tabs. Each tab contains a ton of code, and this works very slowly. So we made our JavaScript bridge as lightweight as possible.
Immutable and pure. Really, we don’t need mutability even on the frontend. Especially on the frontend. The majority of modern JavaScript frameworks try to be functional. So we do.
Lack of dependencies. Korolev does not impose to use cats, scalaz, Akka, or futures from the standard library. Use what you want. Korolev gives a way to integrate itself into any environment.
1.2. Quick start
You need SBT and JDK 11+ installed. Once installed, run g8 template.
$ sbt new fomkin/korolev.g8
$ cd mykorolevproject
$ sbt
> ~reStart
The sbt command ~reStart
will make sure that your Korolev application gets restarted and the browser window reloaded on source code changes.
Ok, now you are ready to start hacking with Korolev.
2. Understanding Korolev
2.1. Template DSL
Korolev uses Levsha as DSL (domain specific language) for templating. The levsha DSL allows to declare DOM using Scala code. Take a look.
import levsha.dsl._
import html._
backgroundColor @= "yellow",
input(`type` := "text")
This code fragment corresponds to HTML below.
<div style="background-color: yellow">
<input type="text"></input>
As you can see there are three simple rules:
declares tag -
attribute := "value"
declares attribute -
is attributes too -
backgroundColor @= "black"
declares style
Style keys are camelCased in order to be consistent with accessing the properties on DOM nodes from JS (e.g. |
You can define custom tags and styles using TagDef
, AttrDef
and StyleDef
import levsha.dsl._
val myCustomElement = TagDef("myCustomElement")
val myDataAttr = AttrDef("data-attr")
val bottom = StyleDef("bottom")
If custom attribute and custom tag has same name, you can created mixed definition.
val awesome = TagDef with StyleDef {
val ns = levsha.XmlNs.html
val name = "awesome"
2.2. Device and Session
When a user opens Korolev application the first time, it sets a cookie named device
with a unique identifier. After that, you can identify the user by deviceId
A session is created when the user opens a page. Every session has a unique identifier sessionId
. Korolev has a separate State for every session.
2.3. State
State is the only source of data needed to render a page. If you have something you want to display, it should be stored in state. State is always immutable.
sealed trait MyState
case class Anonymous(
deviceId: DeviceId) extends MyState
case class Authorized(
deviceId: DeviceId,
user: User) extends MyState
case class User(
id: String,
name: String,
friends: Seq[String])
State stores in StateStorage
and initializes in StageLoader
StateLoader.forDeviceId { deviceId =>
// This hypothetical service method returns Future[User]
authorizationService.getUserByDeviceId(deviceId) map { user =>
Authorized(deviceId, user)
The only way to modify the State is by applying a transition (see below).
2.4. Render
Render is a map between state and view. In other words render is a function which takes state as an argument and returns a DOM. Korolev uses Levsha DSL to define templates using Scala code. Do not be afraid, you will quickly get used to it.
val render: State => Node = {
case Anonymous(_) =>
input(placeholder := "Login"),
input(placeholder := "Password"),
case Authorized(_, User(name, friends)) =>
div(s"Your name is $name. Your friends:"),
// Look at that. You just map data to view
friends map { friend =>
Render is called for each new state. It’s important to understand that render produces a full DOM for every call. It does not mean that client receives a new page every time. Korolev makes a diff between current and latest DOM. Only changes between the two are sent to the client.
2.5. Transitions
Transition is a function that applies to the current state and produces a new state. Consider a transition which adds a new friend to the friends list.
val newFriend = "Karl Heinrich Marx"
// This hypothetical service method adds friend
// to the user friend list and returns Future[Unit]
userService.addFriend(, newFriend) flatMap { _ =>
access.transition { case state @ Authorized(_, user) =>
state.copy(user = user.copy(user.friends :+ newFriend))
is a type alias for S ⇒ S
where S
is the type of your state.
2.6. Events
Every DOM event emitted which had been emitted by browser’s document
object, can be handled by Korolev. Let’s consider click event.
case class MyState(i: String)
def onClick(access: Access) = {
access.transition {
case MyState(i) =>
state.copy(i = i + 1)
def renderAnonymous(state: MyState) = optimize {
When "Increment" button will be clicked, i
will be incremented by 1. Let’s consider a more complex situation. Do you remember render example? Did you have a feeling that something was missing? Let’s complement it with events!
val loginField = elementId()
val passwordField = elementId()
def onSubmit(access: Access) = {
for {
login <- access.valueOf(loginField)
password <- access.valueOf(passwordField)
user <- authService.authorize(login, password)
_ <- access.transition {
case Anonymous(deviceId) =>
Authorized(deviceId, user)
} yield ()
def renderAnonymous = optimize {
input(placeholder := "Login", loginField),
input(placeholder := "Password", passwordField),
Event gives you an access to information from the client side. In this case, it it is values of the input fields. Also you can get data from event object using access.eventData
Event handlers should return F[Unit] which will be implicitly converted to EventResult
2.7. Stateful components
In the world of front-end development people often call every thing that has HTML-like markup a "component". Until version 0.6, Korolev didn’t have components support (except WebComponents on client side). When we say "component" we mean something that has its own state. In Korolev case, components also dispatch events to other components up in the hierarchy or to the application on the top.
Worth to note that application is a component too, so you can consider Korolev’s components system as a system composed of applications. Korolev components are not lightweight, so if you can implement a feature without components, do it so. Use components only when they are really necessary.
Components are independent. Every component has its own context. It opens up a way to write reusable code.
object MyComponent extends Component[Future, ComponentState, ComponentParameters, EventType](initialState) {
import context._
import levsha.dsl._
import html._
def render(parameters: ComponentParameters, state: ComponentState): Node = {
event("click") {
// Change component state here
As you can observe, the state of the component has a default value. Occasionally, the initial state cannot be set without parameters. In such cases, you can pass a function called loadState
instead of initialState
. This function has an effect of P ⇒ F[S]
, where P
represents the component parameters. This can be highly advantageous.
Imagine a component that displays the user’s display name and photo, while the application state (higher than component) only contains the user’s ID. The photo’s address and display name are stored in a database.
class UserCardComponent(userService: UserService) extends Component[Future, Option[User], UserId, Any](loadState = userService.getUser(userId)) {
// As `User` doesn't load instantly, we should display a placeholder. By default, it is a simple `div()`.
def renderNoState(userId: UserId): Node = {
// Just display user ID while state not loaded
// The parameters of the user's ID can be modified, necessitating a state reload with the updated profile. The function offers an optional effect as a return value. If no reload is necessary, it returns None; otherwise, it returns the effect with the updated state.
def maybeUpdateState(userId: UserId, maybeUser: Option[User]): Option[F[Option[User]]] =
maybeUser.collect {
case user if != userId =>
// Inject userService dependency
val UserCard = new UserCardComponent(userService)
Let’s use our component in the application.
"Hello world!",
MyComponent(parameters) { (access, _) =>
// make transition on component event
access.transition {
case n => n + 1
// And if you don't want to handle event
2.8. Access element properties
In the scope of an event, you can access the element properties if an element was bound with elementId
. You get the value as a string. If the value is an object (on client side) you will get JSON-string. You can parse it with any JSON-library you want.
val loginField = elementId()
event("submit") { access =>, "value") flatMap {
access.transition { ... }
Or you can set the value"value", "John Doe")
Also you can use shortcut valueOf
for get values from elements.
2.9. FormData
Above, we considered a method allowing to read values and update form inputs. The flaw of this is the need of reading input one-by-one and lack of files uploading. FormData attended to solve these problems.
In contrast to property
, FormData works with form tag, not with input tag.
val myForm = elementId()
val pictureFieldName = "picture"
legend("FormData Example"),
input(`type` := "file", name := pictureFieldName)
event("submit") { access =>
.flatMap { formData =>
access.transition { ... }
2.10. File streaming
Don’t get confused. Korolev applications works on the server side and client side is remote host. So when we say 'download' it means 'download from client to server'. When we say 'upload' it means 'upload from server to client'.
2.10.1. Downloading
Currently Korolev have few ways to download files from the client side: 1. Download all files, selected within input, as byte arrays. 2. Download all files, but using streams. 3. Manual selection files from input.
In all approaches HTML is the same, you need form with file input and button with handler.
input(`type` := "file", multiple, fileInput),
ul( {
case (name, (loaded, total)) =>
li(s"$name: $loaded / $total")
Then you have a methods for each scenario:
gives you byte arrays. -
gives you streams. -
gives you way to select specific file to download.
for {
files <- access.downloadFilesAsStream(fileInput)
_ <- Future.sequence { { case (handler, data) =>
val path = Paths.get(handler.fileName)
} yield ()
Note that downloadFilesAsStream
gives you Korolev streams, which is not suitable to be used in applications. Korolev has built-in converters for popular stream libraries; see Streams.
2.10.2. Uploading
You can upload to client side any stream of bytes using access.uploadFile
for {
stream <- effect.Stream("hello", " ", "world").mat()
bytes = => Bytes.wrap(s.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)))
_ <- access.uploadFile("hello-world.txt", bytes, Some(11L), MimeTypes.`text/plain`)
} yield ()
2.11. Delays
Sometimes you want to update a page after a timeout. For example it is useful when you want to show some sort of notification and have to close it after a few seconds. Delays apply transition after a given FiniteDuration
type MyState = Boolean
def render(state: Boolean) =
if (state) {
delay(3.seconds) { access =>
access.transition(_ => false)
"Wait 3 seconds!"
} else {
event("click") { access =>
access.transition(_ => true)
"Push the button"
2.12. Extensions
Korolev is not just request-response, but also push. One of the big advantages of Korolev is the ability to display server side events without additional code. Consider example where we have a page with some sort of notifications list.
case class MyState(notifications: List[String])
def render(state: MyState) = optimize {
ul( =>
Also, we have a message queue which has a topic with notifications for current user. The topic has identifier based on deviceId
of a client. Lets try to bind an application state with messages from the queue.
val notificationQueue = ...
val notificationsExtension = Extension { access =>
for {
subscription <- notificationQueue subscribe { notification =>
access.transition(s =>
s.copy(notifications = notification :: s.notifications)
} yield Extension.Handlers(onDestroy = subscription.stop())
extensions = List(notificationsExtension)
Now every session is subscribed to new notifications. Render will be invoked automatically and user will get his page updated.
2.13. Routing
Router allows to integrate browser navigation into you app. In the router you define bidirectional mapping between the state and the PathAndQuery.
Let’s pretends that your application is a blogging platform.
case class MyState(author: String, title: String, text: String)
// Render the article
document = {
case MyState(author, title, text) =>
div(s"$author: $title"),
router = Router(
fromState = {
case MyState(author, article, _) =>
Root / author / article
toState = {
case Root / author / article => defaultState =>
articleService.load(author, article).map { text =>
MyState(author, article, text)
2.13.1. Using Query parameter extractors
Large applications some times require ability to share URL from one user to other with exact some state of sorting and filtering parameters. For that you have possibility to use URL search parameters for state initialisation. For example initialize search form from URI:
object BeginOptionQueryParam extends OptionQueryParam("begin")
object EndOptionQueryParam extends OptionQueryParam("end")
case class State(begin: Option[String] = None, end: Option[String] = None)
router = Router(
fromState = {
case State(begin, end) =>
(Root / "search").withParam("begin", begin).withParam("end", end)
toState = {
case Root =>
initialState =>
case Root / "search" :?* BeginOptionQueryParam(begin) *& EndOptionQueryParam(end) => _ =>
val result = State(begin, end)
For easy parameter matching Korolev provide tree way for parameters matching:
Exact parameter matching, be careful your parameter patterns order and count must have exact same order and count with request:
- start query paraters -
- add one more parameter to query -
- start exact parameter matchig block
val path = Root / "test" :? "k1" -> "v1" :& "k2" -> "v2" :& "k3" -> "v3"
path match {
case Root / "test" :?? (("k1", v1), ("k2", v2), ("k3", v3)) =>
(v1, v2, v3)
Parse parameter manually from Map[String, String]
- extract parameters as Map[String, String]
val path = Root / "test" :? "k1" -> "v1" :& "k2" -> "v2" :& "k3" -> "v3"
path match {
case Root / "test" :?* params =>
Use parameter extractor syntaxis, combain it with :?*
for greater results
- add one more parameter extractor to match expression
Available parameter extractor:
- abstract class for matching required request parameter -
- abstract class for matching optional request parameter
object K1 extends OQP("k1")
object K2 extends QP("k2")
object K3 extends QP("k3")
val path = Root / "test" :? "k1" -> "v1" :& "k2" -> "v2" :& "k3" -> "v3"
path match {
case Root / "test" :?* K1(v1) *& K2(v2) *& K3(v3) =>
For more information about Path and Querry matching, please read PathAndQuerySpec
2.13.2. Running at a nested path
If Korolev is running at a nested path, e.g. /ui/
, router’s rootPath
parameter should be set to a desired value:
router = Router(
static = ...,
dynamic = ...,
rootPath = "/ui/"
2.14. Context scope
Large applications have large states with deep hierarchy. For example, when you are making the transition to modify the field of case class which inherits sealed trait, and you know that in this case, you will always have this case class, it can make you fill pain.
case class ViewState(tab: Tab)
sealed trait Tab
case class Tab1(...) extends Tab
case class Tab2(...) extends Tab
def renderTab2(tab2: Tab2) = div(
"Push me",
event("click") { access =>
access.maybeTransition {
// Imagine that you have deeper hierarchy. Pain
case s @ ViewState(s2: Tab2) =>
s.copy(tab = s2.copy(...))
Korolev provides two solutions to solve this problem. First one is Components (noticed above). The second solution is context scoping.
val scopedContext = context.scope(
read = { case ViewState(tab: Tab2) => tab }, // extract sub state
write = { case (orig, s) => orig.copy(tab = s) } // modify original state
Now you have context scoped to Tab2. If this context is imported, you will have isolated access to Tab2
Sometimes, being in context scope, you need to apply a transition to all state. In this case, you can handle an event using eventUnscoped
method of the context. You will get UnscopedAccess
which ignores current context scope.
Also you can use similar approach on transition level.
import korolev.util.Lens
val scopedContext = Lens[ViewState, Tab2](
read = { case ViewState(tab: Tab2) => tab },
write = { case (orig, s) => orig.copy(tab = s) }
// ...
access.transition(lens) { tab2 =>
2.15. Heartbeat and Reconnection
By default, the Korolev client-side sends a heartbeat every 5
seconds and tracks how many heartbeats are lost. After two consecutive lost heartbeats, the client performs a forced reconnection to the server. The heartbeat interval can be controlled with KorolevServiceConfig.heartbeatInterval
. Additionally, you can disable bidirectional heartbeat by setting KorolevServiceConfig.heartbeatLimit = None
. As a result, the client-side will send messages to the server, but the server will not respond.
2.16. Emitting Korolev IDs
In some cases, you may want to add analytics scripts or other third-party JavaScript to your page that modifies the DOM by adding elements to certain places. Sometimes this can lead to parts of your application ceasing to function. To address this issue, you can set KorolevServiceConfig.presetIds=true
. As a result, all nodes managed by Korolev will receive an additional attribute `k="6", and Korolev will use these IDs to manage the DOM, ignoring any nodes added via third-party JavaScript.
2.17. Delayed render
In certain scenarios, multiple transitions can occur within a single event handler. If the page is resource-intensive or includes a stateful component with delayed state loading, it can result in decreased performance. However, Korolev has the capability to bundle these transitions together, thereby optimizing rendering.
import scala.concurrent.duration.*
val config = KorolevServiceConfig(
delayedRender = 2.millis
The render function will now be called only 2 milliseconds after the initial transition.
In this case |
3. Testing Korolev applications
3.1. Testkit
Use Korolev Test Kit to simulate environment for event listeners and extensions.
Add Test Kit dependency to your project. You can use use Test Kit with any suitable testing library which supports asynchronous testing.
libraryDependencies += "org.fomkin" %% "korolev-testkit" % "1.6.0" % Test
Let’s imagine that you are creating application which can to add two integer numbers and to show the result. The app has two text fields and a span
tag to show the result. The view state of the app is Option[Int]
. When one of the fields changes, the app reads values of inputs, adds them, and shows calculated result.
val aInput = elementId()
val bInput = elementId()
def onChange(access: Access) =
for {
a <- access.valueOf(aInput)
b <- access.valueOf(bInput)
_ <-
if (a.isBlank || b.isBlank) Future.unit
else access.transition(_ => Some(a.toInt + b.toInt))
} yield ()
def renderForm(maybeResult: Option[Int]) =
name := "a-input",
`type` := "number",
name := "b-input",
`type` := "number",
span(s"= ${maybeResult.fold("?")(_.toString)}")
Now we can to write test for it. Lets define the environment.
val browser = Browser()
.value(aInput, "2")
.value(bInput, "3")
Check that onChange
behaves right.
"onChange" should "read inputs and put calculation result to the view state" in {
browser.access(Option.empty[Int], onChange) map { actions =>
actions shouldEqual List(
Check that event will be handled correctly.
it should "be handled" in {
_.byName("a-input") map { actions =>
actions shouldEqual List(
3.2. Selenium
Korolev applications like any other web application could be tested using Selenium.
4. JavaScript interoperability
4.1. WebComponents
If you need to extend your application with something that you can’t implement with Korolev, you may use Web Components. In simple terms, it is a standard technology that allows you to create custom HTML tags.
Korolev doesn’t have any specific code to support WebComponents. WebComponent (Custom Elements + Shadow DOM) by design should behave as regular HTML tags. There is no difference between, for example, input or textarea, and any custom element. |
4.2. Call JavaScript from server
Korolev allows executing arbitrary JavaScript code on the client. Use access.evalJs
to run JavaScript’s eval
method on the client and retrieve the result. The result is a JSON string, so you possibly need to add your favorite JSON library to project dependencies.
"Push me",
event("click")(_.evalJs("1 + 1").map(println)) // 2
Also it works for Promise
"Push me",
event("click") { access =>
| .subtle
| .digest('sha-256', Uint8Array.from([1, 2, 3]))
| .then((res) => {
| return Array.from(new Uint8Array(res))
| .map(x => x.toString(16).padStart(2, '0'))
| .join('')
| })
.map(println) // "039058c6f2c0cb492c533b0a4d14ef77cc0f78abccced5287d84a1a2011cfb81"
You can refer DOM elements bounded with ElementId
using js""
string interpolation.
// Declare element
val myElement = elementId()
// Bind the element in template
// Refer the element
access.evalJs(js"""$myElement.innerHTML = 'this is <a href="">example</a>'""")
4.3. Call server from JavaScript
You can invoke callbacks on a server side from a browser. Declare the callback using access
access.registerCallback("myCallback") { myArg =>
Now invoke it from the client side.
Korolev.invokeCallback('myCallback', 'myArgValue');
5. Productivity
5.1. Developer mode and "hot reload"
Developer mode provides "hot reload" experience. Run your application with
system property (or environment variable) and session will be kept alive after restart. We recommend to use sbt-revolver plugin.
reStart ---
Make a change to your app source code and save the file. Switch to the browser and wait for changes to deliver.
Notice that developer mode does not work with custom StateStorage
Ensure that everything is stateless except Korolev part of the application. For example, if you keep some state outside of Korolev state, it won’t be saved and will lead to inconsistency. |
5.2. Serve files from resource directory
Everything placed in directory named static
(in the classpath of the application) will be served from the /static/
. It may be useful when you want to distribute some small images or CSS with the app.
Korolev is not some sort of CDN node. Avoid serving lots of large files using this feature. |
6. Interoperability
6.1. Slf4j
By default Korolev log all messages to standard output. You can redirect logs to SLF4J backend.
Add the dependency.
libraryDependencies += "org.fomkin" %% "korolev-slf4j" % "1.6.0"
Configure reporter.
val config = KorolevServiceConfig(
reporter = korolev.slf4j.Slf4jReporter
6.2. Akka HTTP
Korolev provides smooth Akka HTTP integration out of the box. To use it, add a dependency:
libraryDependencies += "org.fomkin" %% "korolev-akka" % "1.6.0"
val service = KorolevServiceConfig[...](
And create Korolev route:
val config = KorolevServiceConfig[Future, String, Any](
stateLoader = StateLoader.default("world"),
document = state => Html(body(div(s"Hello $state")))
val korolevRoute = akkaHttpService(config).apply(AkkaHttpServerConfig())
Then embed the route into your Akka HTTP routes structure.
This integration overrides default logging behavior to akka.event.Logging
Despite the fact that Akka uses standard Scala futures, the module can work we any effect type supported by Korolev
6.3. Pekko HTTP
Korolev provides smooth Pekko HTTP integration out of the box. To use it, add a dependency:
libraryDependencies += "org.fomkin" %% "korolev-pekko" % "1.6.0"
val service = KorolevServiceConfig[...](
And create Korolev route:
val config = KorolevServiceConfig[Future, String, Any](
stateLoader = StateLoader.default("world"),
document = state => Html(body(div(s"Hello $state")))
val korolevRoute = akkaHttpService(config).apply(PekkoHttpServerConfig())
Then embed the route into your Akka HTTP routes structure.
This integration overrides default logging behavior to org.apache.pekko.event.Logging
Despite the fact that Pekko uses standard Scala futures, the module can work we any effect type supported by Korolev
6.4. Zio-Http
Korolev provides smooth Zio-Http integration out of the box.
To use it, add a dependency:
libraryDependencies += "org.fomkin" %% "korolev-zio-http" % "1.6.0"
And create Korolev service:
implicit val effect= new ZioEffect[ZEnv, Throwable](runtime, identity, identity)
val config = KorolevServiceConfig[AppTask, String, Any](
stateLoader = StateLoader.default("world"),
document = state => Html(body(div(s"Hello $state")))
def route(): HttpApp[ZEnv, Throwable] = {
new ZioHttpKorolev[ZEnv].service(config)
Then embed the route into your Zio-Http application.
def getAppRoute(): ZIO[ZEnv, Nothing, HttpApp[ZEnv, Throwable]] = {
ZIO.runtime[ZEnv].map { implicit rts =>
new Service().route()
val prog = for {
httpApp <- getAppRoute()
_ <- Server.start(8088, httpApp)
} yield ZExitCode.success
6.5. Effects
In addition to standard Scala Futures, Korolev can work with popular effects libraries: ZIO, Cats Effect, and Monix. To use them, add the dependency and set F
type parameter of` Context` and KorolevServiceConfig
to demanded effect type.
6.5.1. ZIO
Add dependency for ZIO interop.
libraryDependencies += "org.fomkin" %% "korolev-zio" % "1.6.0"
Or ZIO 2
libraryDependencies += "org.fomkin" %% "korolev-zio2" % "1.6.0"
Initialize your app with ZIO.
import korolev.zio._
implicit val runtime = new DefaultRuntime {}
implicit val zioTaskEffectInstance = taskEffectInstance(runtime)
val ctx = Context[zio.Task, MyState, Any]
val config = KorolevServiceConfig[zio.Task, MyState, Any](...)
6.5.2. Monix
Add Monix interop dependency.
libraryDependencies += "org.fomkin" %% "korolev-monix" % "1.6.0"
Initialise your app with Monix. Ensure you have implicit monix.execution.Scheduler
in the scope.
import korolev.monix._
val ctx = Context[monix.eval.Task, MyState, Any]
val config = KorolevServiceConfig[monix.eval.Task, MyState, Any](...)
6.5.3. Cats Effect
Add Cats dependency. If you use Cats Effect 2
libraryDependencies += "org.fomkin" %% "korolev-ce2" % "1.6.0"
Or is you use Cats Effect 3
libraryDependencies += "org.fomkin" %% "korolev-ce3" % "1.6.0"
Initialise your app with IO.
import korolev.cats._
val ctx = Context[IO, MyState, Any]
val config = KorolevServiceConfig[IO, MyState, Any](...)
6.6. Streams
Under the hood Korolev uses it’s own simple pull based streams which can work with standard Futures. In the most cases you will not meet them, but sometimes you can. Korolev streams is not suitable to be used in applications, so we offer converters for most popular stream libraries.
6.6.1. Reactive Streams
Reactive Streams is a part of Akka HTTP server integration.
Conversion from Korolev to Publisher.
import korolev.akka.instances._
val publisher = myKorolevStream.asPublisher
Subscribe to Publisher
import korolev.akka.util.KorolevStreamSubscriber
val subscriber = new KorolevStreamSubscriber[F, T]()
6.6.2. Akka Streams
Akka streams is a part of Akka HTTP server integration.
Conversion from Akka Stream to Korolev.
import korolev.akka.instances._
val akkaSource = korolevStream.asAkkaSource
Conversion from Akka Stream to Korolev.
import korolev.akka.instances._
val (stream, korolevSink) = Sink.korolevStream[F, String].preMaterialize()
6.6.3. ZIO
To use it, add a dependency:
libraryDependencies += "org.fomkin" %% "korolev-zio-streams" % "1.6.0"
Conversion from Korolev to ZIO:
val io = KorolevStream(values: _*)
.flatMap { korolevStream: KorolevStream[Task, Int] =>
.run(ZSink.foldLeft(List.empty[Int]){ case (acc, v) => acc :+ v})
Conversion from ZIO to Korolev:
val values = Vector(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
val io = ZStream.fromIterable(values)
.flatMap { korolevStream =>
.fold(Vector.empty[Int])((acc, value) => acc :+ value)
.map(result => result shouldEqual values)
6.6.4. Fs2
Conversion from Korolev to Fs2:
To use it, add a dependency.
// For Fs2-2.* and Cats Effect 2:
libraryDependencies += "org.fomkin" %% "korolev-fs2-ce2" % "1.6.0"
// For Fs2-3.* and Cats Effect 3:
libraryDependencies += "org.fomkin" %% "korolev-fs2-ce3" % "1.6.0"
Conversion from Korolev to Fs2.
val io = KorolevStream(values: _*)
Conversion from Fs2 to Korolev.
val values = Vector(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
val io = fs2.Stream.emits(values)
7. Troubleshooting
7.1. Debug mode
You view Korolev’s client-server exchange. Enter in developer console of your browser and execute this.
Now you can see something like this.
-> [0,0 ] -> [2,"click",false ] <- [0,"0:1_3_1_1:click"] -> [6,"/tab2" ] -> [4,3,"1_3_1_1",0,"class","checkbox checkbox__checked",false,0,"1_3_1","1_3_1_2",0,"strike",1,"1_3_1_2","1_3_1_2_1","This is TODO #0" ] -> [0,1 ]
Message starting with →
is commands from server. Message started with ←
is callback and client side events.
First number is always an procedure or callback code. You can protocol description here.
7.2. Reconnections under Kubernetes Ingress
When using Korolev under Ingress you may face a problem with frequent recconections of websocket channel between browser and server.
For Google Cloud hosting you can try the following:
There is section in the Ingress documentaion concerning websockets. It suggests to create a
. -
You should set
to sufficiently large value (e.g."3600"
doesn’t solve the problem.
This solution was tested only for Google Cloud, but it might work for other systems. Don’t hesitate to open a PR and describe if this instruction works for other cases.